Friday, December 20, 2013

june 1, 2013 // reception photos

finally got around to posting some of these gems!  these are just a few from our reception, and sooner or later i will get around to posting some from the temple.  it makes me a little sad to look back at these, because it seemed like our special day went by so fast.  i want to remember ALL of the details.  also, i keep wondering if i could still fit in that dress...

anyways, we are headed to OH and PA to see family for the next week and a half and i am dying of excitement.  i hope everyone travels safely and happy holidays!

*photographer: CeeBee Photography
*venue: Harwood Farm, Woodbine, MD
*caterer: The Pantry


  1. These are stunning! What a gorgeous bride you were :)

  2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These are sooooo beautiful!!! Take me back to that night!! Best reception I'll ever see in my lifetime.

  3. This looks more like a feature section from a wedding magazine!

  4. I remember my friend's wedding seeing your wedding blog. That was also a lovely wedding at a venue It was a unique wedding as your's. Wedding is one of the most special of occasions in one's life so it should be celebrated in a different and most special way.

  5. I am in love with these photos!! So lovely!!!
