Tuesday, January 7, 2014

you'll shoot your eye out.

while we were in ohio we got to visit the mecca of all things christmas: the christmas story house.  in case you weren't aware, they filmed the christmas story in good old cleveland, ohio.  i went last year and loved it, but THIS year they sweetened the deal with a little sidewalk kettle corn shop.  popcorn is my mom's weak spot, so we treated ourselves while we waited to get inside.  we left with a leg lamp ornament and an overwhelming desire to watch the movie. so we did.

***even though christmas is over, we are trying to keep the spirit alive at our place.  we came back from two weeks of vacation and saw that our little $25 parking lot tree was still thriving!!!!  so we filled it up with a little more water and are praying it lasts the rest of the month! christmas lives on!!!  


  1. Haha!! Mom & her popcorn, freaking love those pics of her. Also that top pic is perfect..do you edit in Lightroom??

  2. I love those pics of mom too!!! and yes, i mostly edit in lightroom and sometimes in the afterlight app.

  3. That is amazing. I totally forgot to watch it this year!

  4. what a fun house to visit! but i have to say...the christmas story definitely scared me as a kid. ha!
